My husband gave me a gift this summer.  He sent me for 4 days to work on the craft of writing.  I found myself at She Speaks 2017.  I thought I was going to pitch my book.  That was my goal, that was my focus and plan.  But God had a greater plan for my time there.  I was there to gain courage and meet women that would bless me.  I was there to learn, listen and be heard.  I was there to learn more about myself and see more clearly the path that God has laid out for me.

All weekend over and over, I came to the theme of steps.  In songs, in classes and in conversations my heart was turned to taking the next obedient step.

Ephesians 2:10 kept coming to my mind.  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

What is the next step but only to walk in the good works already prepared for me.  The pressure was off.  I didn’t have to figure out the best way to get my book published.  I didn’t have to know if it would ever be published.  I have only to walk step by step in obedience of what God has already prepared for me.

The plan is already laid out for us.  Though we long to see the accomplishment of our goal.  We need not strive but only seek him in prayer.  We can take the next step knowing that God has the whole walk prepared.

God used my time away to focus my eyes, not on my plan, not on my goals, but on His.  My heart was refocused to trust that whatever bumps and scratches come along the way it will be for His glory.  I was reminded that I don’t see the whole path at once, but God will show me one step at a time.  The destination that I should be seeking is not my goals but God’s glory.

As I sat in the airplane seat on the way home, I couldn’t help but notice the scratches and the condensation that blurred my view out the window.

I realized I could look at the window or I could look at what God was doing on the outside.  I could see His creation, His majesty and His glory as I looked out on the destination, or I could lament my scratched window. I could mistakenly focus on what is immediately in front of me and get all caught up in my nearsightedness or I could choose to fix my eyes on what God is doing on the other side.  God is painting together a masterpiece.

Remember this verse we looked at in Painter of the skies.

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”

Lets compare this with Ephesians 2:10 “we are his workmanship” in NIV it says “we are God’s handiwork”

Our lives are crafted just like He crafts the sky.  We are His handiwork.  Are we going to let God paint that beautiful picture in us just as He paints the skies?

Will we have the faith to fix our eyes on what He is doing?  Can I look past my plans and insecurities and into the beauty of how God’s plan fits together and brings Him glory? Can I take baby steps toward that end? Or will we look at the window, our plans, and be satisfied with that view?  Don’t be hindered by our own plans to miss the beauty God has instore for us.

I want to look at the clouds and not the scratches.  I want to set my eyes on God’s glory, His work and His plans.  I want to take one step at a time toward the plan He has prepared for me not stop at the vision I have for myself.

To all my sisters that I met there at She Speaks you are a blessing.  Tell your stories.  Take that next step that He has prepared for you.  Do it all for God’s glory.

To all my sisters that need to hear the encouragement to look past the scratches on life’s window, don’t focus on what you can see in your grasp but look to the bigger picture of what He is doing.

To those of you confused what God’s plan is for you.  Seek God in prayer. Take the next step, one step at a time seek to glorify God with your life.  Trust Him and He will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Ladies, look at the horizon toward the destination of His glory!  Look for the beauty He has planned for you along the way.  Take one step at a time in the good works that He has laid out for you.

Ephesians 2:10, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Father, may our eyes be set on You.  Teach us to look at the clouds and not the scratches.  Teach us to seek Your glory and not be limited by our desires.  Teach us to walk by faith knowing that You have already prepared the good works for us.  Show each of us our next step.

Sometimes in life we think we know what is best.  It’s easy to continually try to control our own lives instead of walking in the steps to trusting You.  Father teach us to follow You faithfully.  May we walk with You and not run from You.  May we not limit the plans You have for us by seeking a goal, instead of seeking You and Your glory.  In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

If you are encouraged please feel free to share.

I would love to hear from you. What is the next step that God has planned for you?

4 thoughts on “Scratched Windows”

  1. Boom! This is lovely. Thank you for sharing! On my route home, the Lord also spoke to me about being His workmanship… same verse!! : ) I love when He’s pouring out a message to His Bride all at the same time. Lots of love! And happy next stepping to you!

  2. This is such a beautiful reminder! It is so easy to lose sight of the big picture of what God wants to do through us as we limit our focus. The scratches/clouds is a great reminder!

  3. Thank you for a change in perspective and an encouragement. I have had so many “life interruptions” since SheSpeaks and I was feeling discouraged that I was not moving forward and taking steps. This post was a friendly nudge that I can rely on God (not me).

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