Where do we find revival - with Monika kirkland

“Do you ever feel like you are waiting for God to do a big work in your life where you’re sitting back and waiting for him to move? Wondering what the next step is?

If you’ve been there, if you’re waiting for that next big thing to happen, this podcast is for you.”

Join Monika Kirkland and I discussing our participation in revival. 

The truth of God’s presence has become a theme of this season’s conversations and it  echos through this conversation as well.  We discuss the leading of the Holy Spirit, hearing God’s voice and radical obedience


You can find Monika Kirkland at Monikakirkland.com or on Instagram @monikakirkland


Journaling Questions:

  • What do you think of when you hear revival?
  • How do we participate in revival?
  • When was the last time you felt a nudge from the holy spirit? Did you obey?


Do life’s circumstances leave you wondering what is God’s will?  How do you deal with this or handle that?  Where do you go from here? What is your next step?

We often find ourselves in this place and it can be overwhelming.  I have gathered some verses and some questions into a journaling resource to help us process what’s next- how do we act in trust?

Sign up here to receive your free, 5 day journaling tool to help explore your next step to of trust. 


 I want to hear from you!
You can find me and join in the conversation on Facebook and Instagram @stepstotrusting.

Hashtag your story of God’s faithfulness and stepping out in faith. #stepstotrusting


Verses mentioned in the episode:

  • Romans 8:28
  • Isaiah 26:3
  • Colossians 3:23
  • Hebrews 12:2
  • Matthew 27:51 – complete access to the presence of God
  • Colossians 1:13- rescued from darkness and brought you into the light
  • Matthew 10:27- My sheep will hear my voice
  • Matthew 6:10- Your kingdom come, your will be done

See below for a full transcript.  

[00:00:00] Erin: Hi friends. This is Erin Michele. Welcome

[00:00:02] to steps to trusting at steps to trusting it is my goal to meet you where you are in your faith journey and to encourage you to continue to take steps, to trusting the Lord more fully. I’m glad you guys are here. do you ever feel like you are waiting for God to do a big work in your life where you’re sitting back and waiting for him to move? Wondering what the next step is?

[00:00:24] If you’ve been there, if you’re waiting for that next big thing to happen, this podcast is for you. Last week, we were talking about mountain, top experiences and valley experiences in our faith where we feel like we’re very close to God. And then often we feel as if we might plumb it down. Now everything is ordinary or mundane, but God is still with us.

[00:00:49] I want to continue this conversation and talking about revival. I love that this episode comes after talking about those mountain, top and valley experiences, because sometimes we look, and we think that in those mountain top experiences that we

[00:01:09] are somehow closer to God because we feel his presence.

[00:01:15] Friends. often we’re waiting for these big mountain top experiences to come so that we can feel close to God. but the valleys and the in the lows and in just the regular mundane places, repetitive places of life,

[00:01:33] we can see God, we can see his abundant. on this episode

[00:01:38] We’re talking about how we can see revival. In our daily lives, how we don’t have to wait for mountain, top experiences to be taking steps toward revival.

[00:01:49] for this conversation.

[00:01:50] I’m joined by Monika Kirkland.

[00:01:52] She is passionate about equipping. And encouraging women to draw near to the heart of God. Monica is a Christian blogger author, speaker, wife, and mother. She knows what it’s like to walk in the trenches of motherhood, marriage, and over 10 years of ministry.

[00:02:10] I want to set up this conversation just a little bit because Monica and I dive right in. So friends, I want to remind you. Revival is not just mountain. Top experiences. Revival comes ‘ cause, we’re dead, dead in our sin, dead in our trespasses. Let’s jump in with Monica and listen to what her thoughts are on revival.

[00:02:38] Monica. Thanks for joining me. I wanted to jump in with a question.

[00:02:42] how do you see revival? Can you tell us a little bit about what revival means to you?

[00:02:47] Monika: Yeah. So when I think of revival, I get this image of someone who is sick, on a hospital bed and the doctors and nurses run in and they say, get the paddles, it’s time to revive them. So I literally imagined. People who are dead, dead. And they’re saying just.

[00:03:05] Gone broken, defeated I imagine the holy spirit comes and just revives them and brings the hope of Jesus and transforms their life. And so I just see a people just set apart for God. I see people who were asleep waking up to who God is and who he made them to be.

[00:03:25] encountering Christ in a profound, deep way and just seeing a move of God, like we’ve never seen before.

[00:03:32] Erin: How would you explain how you think revival actually comes in our daily lives?

[00:03:38] Monika: Yeah. So what I think I have noticed in the church, in the Christian community and a lot of people talking about revival, I think the temptation for people in the church is to see revival as coming through conferences and concerts in these big radical moves of God.

[00:03:56] And while those are good things, I love conferences. I love gathering as a body. I really believe that revival starts with us. It starts with us, submitting to Jesus, making him Lord over our lives and walking in radical obedience. That it can actually come, not just in those big flashy moments, but it can actually come in the daily acts of obedience.

[00:04:21] Erin: I think that is such an important. Part of looking at what revival is, because as you’re saying the church culture here’s revival and they think of Billy Graham and all those things that happen in these big format, but when we look at our daily lives and think about how can we work towards revival, what type of steps do you see that people need to take to work towards that?

[00:04:45] Monika: I think what is so key to really just live and walk with the Holy Spirit. And, trust those nudges you get from, from the holy spirit. if you’re in the grocery store and you feel this nudge of the spirit saying, ask the grocery store clerk or ask this woman over here, she needs prayer for anything.

[00:05:02] and to be bold like that, to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, nudging us and guiding us to raise our kids to know and follow Jesus and be set apart to really just walk with God and believe that he’s moving in prayer and he’s moving in power and he has positioned you right where you are for a reason in your workplace, in your home and your neighborhood.

[00:05:25] He has perfectly positioned you to release revival to everyone you encounter. And so we just need to walk with his spirit surrender and submit to him and trust that he’s going to lead the way. Ultimately it’s not us. That brings revival the Holy Spirit, God’s going to do it. So we need to trust and submit and surrender to him.

[00:05:44] Erin: It’s so important that we do surrender to the Lord that we surrender to his leading in our lives. I think it would be so easy to go back and go, okay, well, for me, as an achiever or a performer, what are the things I need to do to get revival?

[00:06:00] Right. And look at it as this way of here are some checklists, right. And I think that’s something that we need to fight against. That the main purpose or the main goal is that idea of surrender. And yet there is something that we participate in. Right. Can you speak to that a little bit more about those nudges of the Holy Spirit that you were talking about?

[00:06:23] Monika: Yeah. I really believe that the Holy Spirit is always speaking to us, guiding us, encouraging us, convicting us. And when we really tune into the voice of the holy spirit in our lives, let’s say you are you’re at the park with your kids or stay home on you’re at the park and you feel the Holy Spirit just.

[00:06:42] encourage you to maybe go talk to , this other mom, who’s there alone. I think a lot of times what gets in our way of witnessing to the people around us is this fear of man, this fear of rejection. And as a people pleaser, we never want to offend anyone. We never want to make anybody feel uncomfortable.

[00:07:01] And so sometimes we stifle what God might want to do because of our own fear of rejection. And I am so guilty of this. There have been so many times where I it’s I get really uncomfortable. I don’t talking to strangers and I can just stifle what God wants to do in that moment. And I’ll look back on those moments and think, wow, I hope I didn’t, miss what, what God was doing and where he was moving.

[00:07:25] And so I think the easiest thing is just to, to not go forward with that fear of rejection or fear of offending somebody, because if God wants to move in their heart, he’s the one who’s going to open their hearts, receive it.

[00:07:37] Erin: So even in that, I just hear the trust of you saying if God wants them to receive it, he’s going to work in their hearts for that to happen. Right. It does take a trust to say that God is using what we’re doing, but it’s not in our own strength. Okay, this show is called steps to trusting. Right. And I like to talk about how we take active steps in our faith.

[00:08:02] Monika: Yeah.

[00:08:02] Erin: Meanwhile, wanting to also bring the truth of saying, God is the one who is moving, but he’s also saying , I’ll use you. Right. And so What type of steps do you actively take, or how do you prepare for those moments of surrendering to the step that he’s calling you to.

[00:08:21] Monika: Yeah, I think for me, I come back to that verse, Romans 8, 28 that we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. And so I think if I come from this place of trusting God, trusting that he’s going to work it for good.

[00:08:38] And I can take the pressure off of myself to perform. I don’t have to strive for it. I don’t have to make anything happen. I can just trust him. And I always say follow the breadcrumbs. we want to follow the breadcrumbs of what he’s leading us to, and we don’t always see the end and we don’t always see the outcome.

[00:08:57] We need to trust him with that, but we do need to be obedient to follow where he’s leading us and to follow those little breadcrumbs in our lives.

[00:09:05] Erin: I like that. I like that way of putting it and it makes me think of. The theme verse for the show is Ephesians two 10, which says that we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which he prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. And just as you’re saying, this little bread crumbs, I’m thinking , he’s prepared it, he’s placed it in front of you.

[00:09:24] You just follow the bread, crumbs, follow the clues that he’s giving you the nudges of the holy spirit to walk in the way that he’s wanting you to walk.

[00:09:32] Monika: Yes, that’s so good. I love that verse. It’s powerful.

[00:09:36] Erin: When you think of the disciplines that it takes in your life to find yourself in that situation where you get to decide, am I going to take this step or am I going to follow this breadcrumb? Right. When you find yourself in that place with that decision and you want to be there with the heart desire to surrendering to the Lord, how have you prepared for that?

[00:09:58] Monika: Yeah, I think the work that I’ve had to do. Realizing that saying yes to God and, and picking up and following that breadcrumb doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re not going to feel scared or intimidated that it’s not going to feel too much. I think, sometimes he gives us certain things because we have to fully trust and rely on him.

[00:10:21] And so. I think it’s just recognizing that, you know what? This might feel scary. This might feel intimidating. This might feel really hard on my own strength, but the good news is I don’t have to do it alone. I don’t have to do it in my own strength. I get to rely on him. And so not only does that help you to surrender and walk in obedience, but it also cultivates intimacy with Jesus because you have to fully rely on him.

[00:10:47] And say, Lord, not my will, but yours be done. whatever you have for me, God, I want to say yes. And walking just radical obedience.

[00:10:54] Erin: I hear, as you’re talking, you’re even just sharing the verses that, a little snippets of the verses that encourage you, but could you share with us some verses that really encourage you in that way of trust?

[00:11:06] Monika: Yes, Isaiah 26, 3, you will keep in perfect peace. Those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you. So I really believe that Surrender leads to trust, leads to peace, and we can relate on God’s steadfast us in our lives and that’s going to keep us and lead us into his purpose peace.

[00:11:31] And so again it’s not on us and it’s not about us. And that is a relief like that. And we can rest in that and we can trust in him and his faithfulness and his goodness and in his ability to lead us, there’s a quote that says Can’t think of who it’s by, but there’s a quote that says, give God your life.

[00:11:50] Cause he could do far more of it than you ever could. Is that, that’s what I, I often think about. It’s God, I give you my life. I give you all of it. I want you Lord in my, working in my resting, in my parenting, in my motherhood, God, I want to do it all for your glory, all to the glory of God.

[00:12:08] And that is an encouragement that verse to, do everything unto the Lord. It encourages me to do. Keep my gaze transfixed on him. Keep him, eyes locked on Jesus and what he’s doing.

[00:12:21] Erin: When you can keep your eyes focused on the Lord and when you can remember that he’s there with you, how does that change your daily living?

[00:12:29] Monika: Yeah, I think of this story. Around the time I had given birth to my second daughter, Cora, and my first daughter, she, nursed great. She was a really good eater. She was growing and developing perfectly normal. But my second daughter, she was struggling to latch to a struggling to nurse. She was not gaining weight as she should have been.

[00:12:52] She was in less than the 10th percentile for her weight and height for her age.

[00:12:56] I was struggling with just feeling like a failure, feeling God, I can’t do this. I was just really struggling as a mom and feeling the sadness that, that beautiful bond that I share with my first daughter, I was no longer able to have with my second daughter. And that nursing relationship wasn’t forming it.

[00:13:14] Wasn’t going well. And I remember one morning I had tried to feed her and she just screamed. And scream and she wouldn’t eat. And I remember just falling on my knees to God, just crying out. God, I need you. I can’t do this. This is too much. It’s too hard. And God, I just need you to show up in a big way.

[00:13:34] I can’t mother without you Lord. And I just remember falling on my knees and then just feeling the presence of God, just comfort me. In that moment

[00:13:45] And I just remember learning so much in that moment that. I don’t need to mother without him. I don’t need to, work again on my own strength that I can rely on him. That set me on this trajectory of, we’re just really trusting that God is with me in all those little moments of my parenting and in my marriage and an all of it.

[00:14:06] it’s easy to believe that he is. More with us on Sunday morning at church, and we need to go to church to meet with God. But the beautiful thing of the gospel is that. In the old test where they had to go up the mountain to meet with God, but through Jesus, God came to us. And when the veil was torn into, we have complete access to the presence of God.

[00:14:27] And I think so many Christians are still living with that. I need to go meet with God mentality instead of realizing God is already with you. He’s right there with you. We have access to him and we can walk by his spirit and we can invite his presence in. In all those moments and all the little details of our lives.

[00:14:47] And so when we realized that and we realized that we have access to him, it changes everything. I really believe that it changes how we operate in our day-to-day lives. When we live, present to God’s presence.

[00:15:00] Erin: Yeah, I love that story.

[00:15:03] I’m Just thinking about how much it really changes , our life, when we allow God to be present in all those moments. And I just think we’re always looking for that big thing, you were talking about in the beginning, we’re looking for that conference or we’re looking for that mountain top experience or we’re looking for, whatever it is, but you sharing your story, I’m hearing you say it’s in this place of, not rock bottom, but a bottom place.

[00:15:29] Right. Where you’re like, What do I do now? And it’s this place of stripping away, all the things that we think that we can do by ourself and going God, I need you. I need you to , take the next step. I need you to know how to care for my daughter. I need you. , our culture wants to tell us so much that we’re self-sufficient and we want to walk in this self-sufficient.

[00:15:52] Capacity of saying oh, well I’m good at this. And look at my successes here. When the reality of it is, is all of those successes that we have are from the Lord. And I think I’m going back and hearing, the part that we sometimes don’t acknowledge that the first child and I have a similar experience.

[00:16:09] So this is taking your story, pretending it’s mine, but, cause I have a similar experience, but the first child, having it be easy to nurse and bonding with was a gift. But I thought in that moment for me, that Hey, look at me, I’m such a great mom, Yeah. And so for me, a similar story, it took things being hard for me to say, God that was you all along.

[00:16:32] That was you helping me back then. And so I’m just thinking of all those gifts that God gives us, that we don’t even acknowledge him in along with those steps of obedience. So I guess my question for you is can you look back and think of, those, those moments. When we weren’t looking for God that he was there all along.

[00:16:55] Monika: That’s so good. Yeah, I know. for me even looking back, Or it was a mom and, having just a really troubled upbringing. I was born into a family, just broken with divorce and a lot of family members struggling with addiction and not being raised in a Christian home.

[00:17:14] And I look back on just some of the pain and my childhood, but I see it through the light and lens of Jesus and. I can see those moments in my story where even though I didn’t even know him yet, I see him in it. I see him moving. I see him protecting me. I see him, sheltered me and, and shielding my heart from some of those things.

[00:17:37] So I think it’s so powerful when we look back through our stories. When we look back at everything through the lens of Jesus, it’s hard to not see him. It’s hard to not see his hand over our life. I think what that really does is It just brings us to this place of humility and gratitude for who God is and for how much he loves us.

[00:17:58] And I think that is such a sweet place to be, and of just recognizing all those little yeah, ways that God moved and that he protected you, that he shielded you from things that he rescued you out of the darkness and brought you into the light. It’s just hard to not reflect on those things and just be in awe of who he is and how much he loves his kids.

[00:18:20] Erin: Yeah. And yet I think it takes intentionality to look back and to go, oh, that was you all along. And when we face those decisions of are we going to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading now?

[00:18:32] Or are we not, are we going to let the fear of men be in charge of me or am I going to let the Holy Spirit lead me? We can look to that place of saying God you’re trustworthy. And I know that if you’re nudging me to do this thing outside of my comfort zone, that there’s good in it for me and potentially for this person that, you’re pushing me to reach out to.

[00:18:51] Monika: Yes, totally. I think in that too, I’ve heard it both in my own stories. And I’ve heard other people say that, sometimes you step out of your company zone and, it really goes right. No, where it falls flat. And I think sometimes we get to experience that. So we realize that we survived it. Maybe it wasn’t this big dramatic moment and maybe, the person was offended or did feel uncomfortable.

[00:19:14] We can look at those realms to say, oh, it wasn’t that bad. oh, I really, I built that up in my head to be worse than it really was. And so sometimes I feel God allows us to experience a little bit of that so that we can learn how to continue to walk in boldness and realize it’s not that bad.

[00:19:30] We can shake the dust off, it’s okay.

[00:19:33] Sometimes that requires silencing some of the other noise that requires getting into the word of God. It requires obedience and submitting to his will and his authority. But I do believe that we can practice and grow and learning to hear the voice of God for ourselves and hear that still small voice of the Holy Spirit, speaking to us and guiding us.

[00:19:55] Actually created a resource called soul detox to help other people and myself encounter God’s presence in our everyday lives. I created it in a season of my own life, where I was just really needing to silence the outside noise with the news and social media and everything going on in our world during the pandemic. I found myself really distracted and overwhelmed, and I wanted to help recenter and refocus my attention on Jesus.

[00:20:21] And as we grow and learn and hearing the voice of the holy spirit, we’re going to be more in tune with those nudges when they do come. So I really believe that this is an area that people can grow and trust that the Bible says that we are his sheep and his sheep follow the sound of his voice.

[00:20:39] And so we can believe that God does speak to us and we can lean in and open our ears to hear him and receive him.

[00:20:47] Erin: I had been doing a Bible study called rooted, and in the Bible study, it talks about hearing from God.

[00:20:53] And it talks about that. We can hear from God through his word, we can hear from God through circumstance, we can hear from God through other people, speaking God’s wisdom to us. Right. And it’s just talking about these different ways. and for me, The way I was brought up I had to really just wrestle through what does this really mean to hear from God, and how do I decipher his voice?

[00:21:15] And knowing that, what you said, the Bible says, my sheep will know my voice. they will hear my voice and they will follow. And it’s just

[00:21:22] I don’t know. I think just that challenge, but for me, when I was going through that experience of rooted for the first time, I felt I was chasing to hear the Holy Spirit, which was this very exciting time in my life. And trying to divide out, what is my own thoughts and what is the Holy Spirit’s thoughts and trying to then take those and put them against God’s word.

[00:21:44] Monika: Yeah.

[00:21:45] Erin: Yeah, And just the importance of saying okay, I think I’ve heard this from God.

[00:21:50] Monika: I think you said it really well with, bringing it all back to his word. when we read the word it reveals God’s character and nature. And then when we hear something or we believe we’re hearing something from the Lord, We know that if it doesn’t align with his character and nature and it’s, or it maybe contradicts the word and we know that’s not from God.

[00:22:11] And so one thing I do too, when I learn and grow and hearing the Lord’s voice is I just say, God, will you silence every other voice except for the voice of your Holy Spirit. Lord, will you silence? My thoughts? Will you silence the outside noise? Will you silence the voice of the enemy? God silence, any other voice, but the voice of the Holy Spirit.

[00:22:30] And then again, those things that you’re hearing as you’re growing and practicing we want to take it to the word and make sure it doesn’t contradict the word of God. And it doesn’t, go against his character and nature as revealed in Jesus.

[00:22:43] So.

[00:22:44] there’s God’s will, and then there’s our will, and then there’s outside voices. And so sometimes, when we desire some things so deeply, and we know that that God wants to give us the desires of our heart, it can feel well, of course, God’s going to speak to that because I, that’s what I’m hearing from him.

[00:23:00] But I know sometimes it’s just separating, our will and desire. And God’s will good and perfect will for us.

[00:23:08] Erin: right.

[00:23:09] Monika: which comes back to trust.

[00:23:11] Erin: Which goes back to trust.

[00:23:13] I think so many things come back to trusting the Lord and and just trusting in his character.

[00:23:19] Monika: Yeah, I think it comes back to, walking by the spirit and walking in radical obedience There’s a temptation, a great temptation, I think if the enemy can’t get you to renounce your faith. He’s going to get you to live out a lukewarm version of it. And so I think we want to be people who, who are bold, who are awake and alive to the presence of God and what he’s doing in our lives and what he’s doing in the world.

[00:23:47] And we don’t want to just settle for a mediocre version of our faith. And I think that is a temptation of the enemy. The temptation to. Go through the motions of our faith to just go to church on Sunday. Maybe we go to church once a month, we’re just giving into this temptation to just not take it too seriously.

[00:24:05] And it’s okay. I think that is a way that the enemy holds back trust and revival because we’re a people that are, I said, the holy spirit fans of flame until the whole world is set of blaze. That’s what I believe. We get to help, light that little spark. But then it’s the Holy Spirit that’s going to fan the flame of that and release revival to people. But if we are living out a version of our faith, that is just going through the motions and we’re just, off in space or distracted. Distraction is huge right now. if we’re just distracted by the things of this world, and we’re not walking in this radical obedience it’s going to be hard for us to partner with God and what he’s doing on the earth.

[00:24:43] Erin: You pose the question. What if revival comes through daily acts of obedience? So when we think about revival and how we can walk in revival, how would you describe that?

[00:24:57] Monika: Yeah, I think it comes back to, walking by the spirit and walking in radical obedience obedience to what God nudges you and encourages you to do obedience to his word obedience to holiness and to being a people that are set apart and for God’s kingdom and God’s glory and God’s purposes. So I think , it comes through radical obedience and through just that conviction, we know that the Holy Spirit is who convicts us. And so when we feel convicted again, walking in obedience.

[00:25:31] Erin: And I’m just thinking, even, just as you’re talking about that obedience, that we sometimes are waiting for that big moment to be obedient, to step out in a loud way. And I think part of that is actually the deception of the enemy as well, where it’s we are called to live out that daily, small, unseen acts of obedience and that obedience can come in the form of loving the person that’s in front of you well, or silently praying for someone who needs prayer that nobody ever sees or knows about. But you and the Lord. Right. And so how do you prepare yourself to daily walk out those small and unseen, or even repetitive things in your life of obedience?

[00:26:15] Monika: I think for me, the thing I come back to is just having a heart willing to serve, even Jesus, our King. Even he came to serve and set it to be served, then I find this grace and humility to want to serve him to, again, view everything in light of we’re serving one another.

[00:26:34] We’re the hands and feet of Jesus. When we raise our kids to know and love the Lord. Parenting is hard. It’s the hardest of all my roles in my life. It is for sure the hardest, but again, radical obedience, serving my family, serving my husband. It’s it’s counter-cultural right now, but when we have a heart to serve other people .

[00:26:53] I say, wherever your feet are planted and you just look around you, there’s someone that needs to be loved and served and seen in a real way. And we get to do that. We get to be the hands and feet of Jesus to love those around us. I always say that Jesus’s command to love your neighbor does not come up.

[00:27:10] Disclaimers. It doesn’t come with disclaimers or qualifications. Okay. But not your, neighbor who is a different political stance than you. Not your neighbor who is an illegal immigrant, not your neighbor, who’s this or that. it doesn’t come with disclaimers. We need to love our neighbor.

[00:27:27] Do we need to affirm our neighbor and endorse their lifestyle? No, but we can love our neighbor and we can help in whatever way the Lord leads us to point them to Jesus and his love for them.

[00:27:38] the thing That I want people to realize is that, you can go to a conference, you can go to a retreat or our kids can go to youth camps and they can have this, you said, this big mountaintop experience. But if we don’t allow it to seep into our everyday lives, into our living and working and parenting into our schools and homes and communities, then we’re always going to just be waiting for that next big thing.

[00:28:03] And so I think it’s so important to, to go and maybe have these encounters and have these great experiences, but allow it to transform you from the inside out so that you can actually go into all the places Lord has called you to and be a light and bring his kingdom and bring revival.

[00:28:21] And so I just, I don’t want people to fall into the trap of just always waiting for that next big thing, that next big moment, that next encounter, we get to live, present to God’s presence and realize he’s with us, always in all of it. And we could do it all unto him and for his glory,

[00:28:38] Erin: Monika would you close this in prayer and just pray that truth over our listeners today?

[00:28:43] Monika: it would be honored. Jesus. We just, thank you. We thank you that you are so good. And we thank you that you are worthy of our trust. We thank you, Lord, that no longer do we have to go up the mountain to meet with you. God that you have come to us. We thank you that the veil was torn in two that. We have access to you, that we are filled with your presence with your power.

[00:29:06] God, would you help us to do. Partner with you in bringing revival through daily acts of obedience, to partner with you, To bring the light of the gospel, to all of those that are in our spheres of influence. And would you help us to be bold and sharing? Would you help us to attune our ears to your voice and to listen to those nudges of your holy spirit?

[00:29:27] God, I just pray against, a fear of man, a fear of rejection. God, I just pray that you help us to just trust you and to keep you on the throne of our lives that we might partner with you and the work you’re doing on this earth. God, I pray that your kingdom will come and your will will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

[00:29:47] We thank you so much, Jesus, for who you are and the way that you love us, we trust you and we give it all to you. God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

[00:29:56] Erin: Amen. Monika. Thank you so much for meeting with me And for praying over us.

[00:30:03] Monika: Thank you so much for having me. It was an honor to be with you and your listeners, and I’m excited to see how God continues to use you and your podcast.

[00:30:11] Erin: Thank you.

[00:30:12] So Monika, I know a bunch of people are going to want to check out more about you. Can you tell us where we can connect with you and also where we can find that resource that you told us about earlier?

[00:30:22] Monika: Yeah, so people can connect with me over on my Instagram at Monika with a K Kirkland, as well as my website, Monikakirkland.com. If you go to the resource page, you will find on that resource. It’s called soul detox and I actually created it in a season where I was just really distracted by the news and everything that was happening in our world. And I created it as a way to just detox from all the outside noise and connect to God’s presence in my everyday life.

[00:30:51] And so this resource was born out of that and I’m really pray that encourages other people to encounter him in their everyday lives.

[00:30:59] And we’d love to connect more with your listeners that way.

[00:31:02] Erin: Thanks for offering that to the listeners. I know that’ll be a great resource for them, so thank you very much.

[00:31:08] Monika: Thank you.

[00:31:09] Erin: Friends. I loved this conversation with Monika. I loved this reminder that we can daily walk in obedience and that our daily, small, even mundane and invisible steps of obedience are steps toward revival steps that the Holy Spirit can take and fan the flame into something bigger than we can ask or imagine

[00:31:32] Erin : If you want to connect with me, you can find me over at steps to trusting on Instagram and Facebook.

[00:31:39] You can also find me at Erinmichelle.net, where you find the transcript to this conversation and many others.

[00:31:45] Erin: You can also find

[00:31:46] Erin : My free five-day journaling resource to help you consider what’s my next step to trusting God more fully. I’m so thankful to have you here, and I hope you join us back here next time

[00:31:56] Erin: where we will be starting a new study, a study on the names of God. What better way to look for revival than to look at who is this God that we serve?

[00:32:10] I hope you join us back here to kick that off next time. But until then, I wanted to leave you with this reminder from Ephesians two 10 for we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand. That we should walk in them.

[00:32:27] Friends. I’m praying for you as you keep on stepping


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